What if you threw out everybody else’s ideas of what you could be and who you should be and how you should be… and good gracious, what you absolutely shouldn’t ever oh-my-god you’ll fail do…and carved your own path instead? What if you did the work you wanted, crushed the problems that mattered to you, and got paid what you needed to live the lifestyle you desired?

What if all it took was one course?

Join hundreds of others who took the leap, joined the community, and changed their lives.

Want to check out a sample from each part of the course?


In order to figure out your calling, you've got to figure out what fuels you, and that means answering the following questions.

  • What motivates you?

  • What causes you joy?

  • When do you feel most yourself?

  • Which of the things in this list do you actually care about?


Does your work connect to your calling?  It’s not as simple as a yes or no question. 

The answer, for a lot of us, is:  "I really don’t know."

It’s possible that your work is directly in line, where every single thing you do is absolutely connected to that goal that you have, that calling your wish to serve.  Or, maybe it’s not. Or, maybe you have no idea…


We can’t talk about any of what you need without talking about how much money you want and need to make.  In order to know this, you need to know your value.

Have you ever considered what your value is?  Here’s a hint… it’s not your salary, your hourly rate, the wage you’re earning.  That’s your price. So, what’s the difference between price and value? Let's get uncomfortable and finally have that talk.


Why do we still feel as though we are limited by our lack of control?

What are we still afraid of failure?  Why do we have trouble connecting what we do with who we are? What keeps us from influencing the contribution that work makes to our lives?

It starts when we accept an early and perhaps incomplete definition of who we should be.